free, website, content, web, site, articles, publish, copyright

Free Web Content

by Dave McAwesome

Ugh, I hate this topic. Everybody wants free stuff. Everybody also thinks that writers churn out words effortlessly and, therefore, don't need to be paid for their trouble. And of course there are a gazillion of you people out there who offer to write stuff for free which merely serves to complicate matters for those of us who rely on writing as a living.

Let's be brutally honest here: Most of you can't write. In fact, I think it's safe to say most of you suck. Hey, dude, it's cool. I suck at soccer. I'm a complete and total asstard at soccer. That doesn't make me a bad human being. It just makes me a bad soccer player. That doesn't mean you shouldn't write. You can write and you can communicate through your writing, but that doesn't mean you write well. I'm just saying please don't be one of those people who writes crappy content for a crappy webmaster for a crappy site that the crappy webmaster uses to offer this crappy content to other crappy websites. Or if you do sell out and do this, at least get paid. (No, I'm not providing hyperlinks to these sites because I refuse to add to their web traffic. Sorry if that makes me a jerk.)

There is, however, a different type of free content. Some sites offer free content (written by the webmaster him/herself) for others to use on their sites on the condition that a link be provided back to the author's site. I don't have too much problem with this. They're providing a service in return for remuneration (in the form of a linkback, which some internet marketers really dig).

So. Whatever. I've forgotten my point other than I hate crappy writing.

If you want to use any content from here on your site, you MUST get my permission first. For most of these "help" articles, my answer will probably be "yes," on condition of a linkback. For most of the other sections (The Unexamined Life (aka, Dave), Section 2, Quite Frankly), I'll probably say "no," because they really define what Maximum Awesome is all about, namely: idiocy.

Here's the email: email image used to prevent spam-bots

Thus concludes the McAwesome Rant on Free Web Content.

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