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Web Hosting Scams

by Dave McAwesome

Watch out for scams. Next to porn, the next most common content you'll find on the web are scams, viruses, trojans and other forms of jerk-based behavior.

When searching for a web host, be sure to seek word of mouth feedback, ask around on internet forums and ask a few of your favorite sites who they use. Always read the host's terms of service (TOS) before ordering.

Here are some words that should set off alarm bells when searching for a host. They do not conclusively mean the host is trying to scam you, but they do demand that you make closer scrutiny of the company:

Remember, it's YOUR money at stake. You deserve NOT to be scammed. When in doubt about a site, sign up for one single month. That way your monetary commitment is limited. Check your state's Better Business Bureau if any complaints have been registered against the host's owner. For legal action, contact your local district attorney's office.

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Some non-scammy hosts that are reliable and inexpensive: