Misfit Mafia Werewolf Game

Mafia/Werewolf FAQ

by Dave McAwesome

There are a few issues that sometimes crop up in the game. This FAQ hopefully answers most of them.

Question: Can I talk to someone via PM or email or IM or txt or somewhere outside the game? Please? Can I? Please? Huh?
Answer: No. This is a social game. All interaction must happen in the game thread. All mobster/illuminati discussion should occur in their respective hidden forums. If you violate this, you will most likely be killed off in the game thread by the game leader.

Q: What is the chain of kills? For example: If the bad guys vote to kill the doctor or the vigilante and the doctor/vigilante has voted to protect/kill one of the bad guys, do both actions count?
A: A doctor attempts to save the targeted player AFTER he has been shot. A doctor's death prevents him from protecting anybody. In the scenario you just described, the doctor dies AND the vigilante's target dies. Think of it this way, calculate the kills...if the doctor is still alive, he can operate and save his protection. If he is dead, he cannot operate.

Q: Yeah, okay, but you didn't answer what would happen if, for example, the last mobster targeted the vigilante on the same turn he targeted the last mobster.
A: If you'd shut up for a second, I'll finish elaborating on my previous answer. The kills are simultaneous. Think of it as a shootout. Both shoot. Both hit. Both die.

Q: What if the last two players are a mobster and vigilante and they both kill each other?
A: I'd call that a draw. Then I'd laugh at the players for wasting their time.

Q: What if two players (e.g. a mobster and vigilante) both target Bob but the doctor is also protecting Bob?
A: Bob is dead. Think of it this way, the doctor can only operate once. This is two shots to one, so Bob dies. Sorry, Bob.

Q: I'm a game leader and there's a guy who got killed on the first day but he keeps posting. I've told him to stop, but he keeps trying to post to sway the vote.
A: Every time he posts, randomly kill off a person on his side. If he's a Townsperson, kill off a random Townsperson. If he's a mobster, kill off a mobster. Warn him first via PM and in the game thread. If he's still an ass, don't allow him to participate in future games. If you know him in real life, punch him in the nose. If he's bigger than you, have a friend punch him in the nose.

Q: I'm the guy mentioned in the previous question. I just got killed, so I want to tell everyone what I know RIGHT NOW! Exclamation point!
A: No. You're dead. Corpses can't talk. Shut the hell up until the end of the game.

Q: But it's just a game!
A: Right. Don't screw it up for everyone else, jackass.

Q: In the Misfit Mafia game at Misfitopia, players in the mafia and illuminati get clone accounts in order to post in secret mafia/illuminati forums to discuss their nefarious plans. If a player is killed, can he still post under his clone account?
A: No. The player is dead. Neither he nor his clone account may post again in the game thread or secret forum for the duration of that game.

Q: Does the doctor HAVE to protect someone? Do the Townspeople HAVE to lynch someone? Does the x have to y?
A: No one HAS to do anything. They can all sit there for days, technically. But that would be boring.

Q: How come the doctor only protects against attacks at night and can't prevent a lynching?
A: The lynching is performed as a group. It's a collective action by the town. The Doc cannot interfere because it's public. The victim is hanged until dead. The mob hits, vigilante shots and serial killer murders are private affairs. The lynching takes place during the day. The killings take place during the night. The Doctor is active during the night.

Q: So if the last mafia guy is lynched, does his hit that night still happen?
A: No. Lynchings take place at the end of the day. Mob hits, vigilante kills, serial killer murders, etc. all take place during the night between days.

Q: What if there's a tie during the lynching phase?
A: The accepted rule is: unless the game leader has specified otherwise, it's first come, first served. Let's say there are 4 votes for Joe and 3 votes for Diane, then Diane gets her fourth vote and everyone deadlocks. Joe gets lynched because he got his fourth before Diane. With six or fewer players, simple majority should be required. If the game leader so wishes, he can - at the beginning of the game - choose to make a simple majority ALWAYS mandatory. Alternatively, the game leader can - at the outset of a game - state that in the case of two-way ties, both players are lynched.

Q: Can I cut and paste the game leader's initial PM to me to prove that I'm a Townsperson?
A: No. You can't quote, cut-and-paste, post a screen capture, nothing. There is no hard proof like that (aka metaproof). It's a social game. The only people who "exist" are the Townies. There is no game leader, if you take my meaning.

Q: I'm a fair, law-abiding player. Another player emailed me information (his role in the game, another players role, or just his thoughts on what was happening in the game). What should I do?
A: Contact the game leader immediately. He/she will decide what punishment, if any.

Q: Okay, smart guy. I'm the game leader and was just notified by the law-abiding player in the previous question. What do I do?
A: If you're lenient, you will warn the offending player. Personally, I would immediately kill off the offending player in the game thread. Such activity grossly sways game play.

Q: Cool. Where do I play?
A: We run games on Misfitopia. Newcomers are always welcome.

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