Barricade Decepticons transformers

Barricade, Decepticon

"My name is Barricade and I am an insignificant Decepticon."

by Dave McAwesome

When Transformers first launched, the two sides were easily divided by concept and theme. Autobots were automobiles. Decepticons were planes (and sometimes pistols and boomboxes). Barricade was just another car. If he'd come out in 1984, he'd be an Autobot (not that they needed another Mirage or Prowl). In 1990, he was a Decepticon. Concept and theme? You went out the window years ago with Constructicons (wheeled Decepticons) and Aerialbots (airplane Autobots). So much for tradition.

I can't take the 2007 Transformers movie seriously as a legitimate part of traditional continuity, but why producers thought Barricade was so crucial to the plot instead of a more integral and interesting character like Soundwave is beyond me. Why not leave off Starscream while you're at it?

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