A Flock of Chicks!

A Flock of Chicks!


by Adam Brown
flock of hot chicks babes

There is nothing about this that won't sound awesome when some unlucky dude gets the email notifying him that you, his very best friend, have purchased him a flock of chicks this holiday season. See the picture above? That's what he'll be imagining. But as he reads the description, he'll slowly realize that what he's actually getting is this...

flock of chicks, chickies

In fact, "getting" is too strong of a word. He's not getting shit. A family in an impoverished third world country gets the flock of chicks, which will provide them a lifetime supply of protein providing eggs and adorable pets with which to potentially use as conversation starters when they meet actual human chicks. He will have a new reason to call you gay though.

Shake a tail feather.

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