NFL football NCAA college

Carolina Panthers

Carolina Panthers helmetCarolina Panthers helmet

The Panthers were one of two expansion teams in 1995. I worried that the helmet designs of these upstart teams would suck. I was one for two. The Panthers helmet looks good. Classic colors. No teal or muave or any nonsense like that (apart from the outline). Simple, bold graphic. Works for me. I didn't notice this until I read something about it. The swoosh behind the head of the panther is the shape of North and South Carolina smooshed together as one body of land: the Island of Carolina, we'll call it. Minus two points.

Older helmets

They're too new to have archival helmets, but I thought, "Hey, maybe they should just make up some cool old-style helmets so they can sell throw-back jerseys and such." Hell, they could make up a history, too. Like: "In 1937, the West Dakota Panthers are formed. The team subsequently moves to Carolina once they realize West Dakota is not a state. Much to their surprise, neither is Carolina." Often, I sit and think on these things. I'm not normal.

Founded in 1995.


Carolina Panthers

Carolina Panthers
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