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Cleveland Browns

Cleveland Browns helmetCleveland Browns helmet

Depending on what story you believe, the Cleveland Browns were either named after a boxer, The Brown Bomber Joe Louis, or their first head coach, Paul Brown. When Art Modell moved the team to Baltimore in 1996, the NFL told him he couldn't take the Browns history with him. The team was resurrected by new ownership in 1999. Graphically, the Browns have always been handicapped. On the other hand, I'm proud of them for avoiding something stupid, like adopting some assified mascot character. When I got the 25 cent supermarket gumball machine helmet, I thought the decal had fallen off. I searched my carpet to no avail. The helmet genuinely was a diseased pumpkin color. End of story.

Founded in 1946 in the All-America Football Conference. Joined NFL in 1950.


Cleveland Browns

Cleveland Browns
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