McAwesome on SBR radio

I appeared on Jeckles’ legendary Shitty Blog Radio show last night to discuss extremely important topics, including who is the greatest Jedi. Mostly I learned that I talk way too fast.

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Facebook Causes: Choosing the Right One not to Give a Shit About.

For anyone who is familiar with Facebook they know that an important part of building their online profile is by joining the right causes and groups that are featured throughout the social network. This process serves a very important purpose in that it allows the world to see what kind of pompous, self righteous asshole you are while at the same time making you feel good about yourself for an entire 30 seconds after you click to join the cause.[Continue Reading…]

Facebook Status Updates: They say a lot about you and none of it is good.

Anybody who has ever used Facebook is almost certain to be familiar with the status update application. For those of you who aren’t, I envy you. Basically the status update allows users to put a brief message next to their name to let their friends know what they are up to. When you write something on your status update it appears on your friend’s Facebook homepage. For example if I were to write on my status “is laughing at you not with you” it would appear on your homepage as “Brad Chesterton is laughing at you not with you.” [Continue Reading…]

Brad’s Guide to (Anti) Social Networking

Hello and welcome to Brad Chesterton’s guide to social networking! If you’re not already familiar with such sites as Facebook, Myspace, A Small World or Linked In I say lucky you. Feel free to crawl back into your cave and be happy, you are not missing anything. For those of you that have fully embraced this new revolution in internet stupidity you have come to the right place as I will be providing you with a complete guide on the proper use of these social networks.[Continue Reading…]